Peter Katz


Peter Katz has worked as an independent consultant with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, having completed 27 short term assignments between 1993 and 2014. These assignments have been in in developing and emerging countries to assist local authorities in their efforts to strengthen their capabilities in monetary and debt management operations, liquidity management, support the development of the financial markets, and assist in the development of efficient low risk post trade settlement pipeline.

He has advised Ministries of Finance and Central Banks in the Maldives, Vietnam, Kyrgyz Republic, Azerbaijan, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Yemen and Fiji.

He worked also for Thomas Murray Ltd ( as a consultant between 2008 and 2012, conducting onsite risk assessments of Central Security Depositories and the settlement process. These were conducted in Egypt, Russia, Italy, Canada and Kazakhstan.

During these assignments he has shared knowledge and facilitating workshops and providing training courses to meet the local staff specific needs.

His experience and knowledge is drawn from 30 years experience with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand through specific roles: Manager Financial Market Operations (10 years), manager of the CSD (7 years), Advisor on Crisis Management (4 years), and a range of projects relating to payment system development, crisis simulation exercises and operation improvement.

During assignments, his work generally encompasses the coordination of the project’s activities with stakeholders. In particular, this encompasses clarifying the current practice, identifying the gaps between the present approach and the desired outcome, and presenting a set of objectives and a plan (including training and support), to achieve the desired result. He recognises the need for objectives and plans to be tailored to reflect the local culture and working environment.

He is used to work, provide trainings and submit reports in English.

Current or recent assignments:

  • DeMPA assessment Ministry of Finance Fiji  (2014)
  • Consultant for Thomas Murray to conduct a Risk assessment of Kazakhstan Central Securities Depository [KCSD] (2012)
  • Consultant for Thomas Murray to conduct a Risk assessment of National Securities Depository [NSD] - Russia (2012)
  • Consultant for Thomas Murray to conduct a Risk assessment of Clearing and  Depository Services [CDS] - Canada (2011)

For more information, refer to Peter's CV.


2/158 Cuba St
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand



: +64.21.414.510